Songs for the Valley...
- Mission - Communicating Christ's redemptive love and encouraging the Body of Christ throughout the City of Harrisonburg, Rockingham County, and surrounding Virginia communities by organizing and promoting local Christian concerts and events.
- Founded Fall 2018.
- Incorporated January 2019.
- Organized exclusively for charitable and religious purposes.
- 501 (c) (3) charity.
- Managed by all volunteer Board of Directors.
- Events staffed primarily by volunteers.
- Artists that we've hosted since 2019 (alphabetical order): Andrew Peterson, Andy Squyres, Beyond the Sea, Brandon Heath, Brothers McClurg, Curt Anderson, David Leonard, Graham Jones, Heidi Riddell, J Lind, Jason Gray, Jess Ray, Josh Wilson, Mark Stuart, Matt Maher, Mission House, Mitchell McVicker, Resurrection Letters Tour, Sidewalk Prophets, Skye Peterson, Sons the Band, Taylor Leonhardt, These Three Simple Truths, Thomas Austin